On this incredibly auspicious day we were all a part of a fantastic anchoring of the 7 layered trigometric systems of Light which have been created by Lord Merlin and the "New Archangels" of our Galaxy who anchored their energy through the 12 Golden Pillars on the 25th of November 2006 in Johannesburg, South Africa. (This anchoring was channeled through Michelle on the day, contact The Lightweaver for more informtion). More information regarding this system is explained in the channeling itself. This system is being anchored for the Soul/Sole Divine purpose of reviving the memories of our orginal truth encoded within our DNA. The "New Archangels" will remove the veils from your Angelic DNA as part of the revival process which in itself becomes your/the 7:7:7 Universal Gateway into the Quantum world of Magic, Miracles & Manifestation resulting in a higher level of quantum energy being accessible.
Kuthumi, with the assistance of the Emmissaries of the 7th Universe conducts an advanced activation of your crown chakra & pituitary gland, speeding up the rate at which higher consciousness & light can be absorbed, integrated and consciously understood. Physiologically this is an important part of our awakening process. Our physical body has to be able and ready to withstand the intensity of the new energies being absorbed into the Earth plane on a regular basis, which is why the pituitary gland must be strengthened, as well as our neocortex, and central nervous system. Without that "stability" our lives will appear tumultous and our physical body will become ill - a direct result of the negative thoughts and energies that "attack" the body.
This is a vital part of the grooming process for all Lightworkers willing to step out of denial and into the full presence of their Authentic Self. Lord Saturn anchors his presence within your energy field to facilitate the new cycle of change regarding the structures no longer working for you. Kuthumi will help you look at how the structures of your life are working or not working for you, and how to practically go about making empowering changes with the insight you will gain from the channeling. He also addresses the effects of the energies on our physiology and why it is so necessary to pay attention to what is physically needed in all aspects of our lives in order to facilitate greater spiritual awakening and therefore freedom.
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channelling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring onto to you the blessings of transformation, integration, balance and truth. Greetings beloved ones.
Greetings Lord Kuthumi.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones, today’s gathering is one that is not only of great importance on a planetary scale, it is in fact one of great importance and celebration on a cosmic scale. This particular energetic formation has created a geometric vibration which is activating within the system of all organic life a new frequency. This frequency is magnetically attracting to itself the ability to integrate a whole new photon vibration. You are receiving into your magnetic field photon beads filled with golden light, and this in itself is the energetic call to all life within every system of light, that the new paradigm of empowerment has now emerged into the physical world.
The past nine months have been a labouring of sorts, and I’m sure some of you have wondered what on God’s green earth has been happening to you over the past nine months, and in fact you have experienced the pain of labour so to speak. Today is your anchoring of that energy. You could see it as the day of birthing the light of the golden age. There are billions of systems of light gathering around your planet as we speak. This light will remain in its position for as long as is needed to ensure that every willing soul makes their transit into the new systems of energy, which are geometric formations vibrating at very fast cycles per second, which will ensure that every single living consciousness choosing freedom be acknowledged, and be supported in making that journey.
You are also being introduced to a newly created system by Beloved Merlin. I pray he will not tell the whole bunch of you to bugger off today but we shall see. (Something Merlin likes to jokingly say to us every now & then, especially when we ask questions we know the answers to!) The system that he has created is called the Trigometric System of Light. It is a seven layered system which is being integrated into the seven chakras of your physical body. The Trigometric System consists of three new aspects of light linked to the masculine and the feminine self,, which in itself births the third element which you would know as a child. However, this is the golden child aspect of you, the part of you that has transmuted many of your childhood traumas into a new story.
Beloved ones, we ask you to be patient with us today for there is so much that we have to share with you and my favourite pastime is talking, so I trust you have a lot of time in your hands today! This is information that will serve you not only now, and in the immediate future, but for many, many years to come, for you will begin to integrate the understanding of what is in fact being brought to all of you today. Over and above integrating the seven layered Trigometric System of Light, you will also have your angelic DNA activated. This means you have all genuinely earned your wings and each of the angelic frequencies of DNA in themselves embody a winged system. We will give you more on that a little later.
Now, perhaps one of the most important aspects of today’s gathering is what will be integrated into your psychology, your physiology and your biology. Now, the neo-cortex is currently the most important system in your body that we are focusing on. It makes up 90% of your brain, if we can call it this. The neo-cortex is part of your brain that is responsible in a way for the evolution of your intelligence and human beings at this particular point have experienced the most advancement in the neo-cortex specifically. Now, the neo-cortex is made up of six levels and consists of a hundred billion cells. Each of those cells contain, between a thousand and ten thousand synapses. Synapses are connectors and contain at least a hundred million metres of wiring. Now, that in itself is truly awesome. This shows you that what you consist of is truly extraordinary. Now, all of that is contained within a very small space. You could imagine it to be contained in a space the size of and the thickness of a napkin; your dinner napkin.

Now, the neo-cortex is the one that is most affected by your current life style. The number one "enemy" if we can call it this, is the big ‘S’; Stress. Because the neo-cortex embodies the functions of your emotions and many other systems of your body, in order for you to continue evolving as an intelligent being, you need to make sure that the systems in your body responsible for that functionality is able to hold what is coming in and not only holding it but able to transmit those systems. Now, remember I said your neo-cortex consists of at least one hundred million metres of wiring, now all of that wiring is connected to the systems within your body. Your central nervous system is another vital part of the effects that you are going through right now. If the central nervous system is under stress, then everything in your body will be out of kilter. So, in a nutshell, the most important aspect of your focus in this current time line is one simple word, balance, and if you forget everything else we have said today, all you need to remember is balance.
Now, the modern life style has not only made your life to a degree less complicated with all the wonderful gadgets and systems that are now at your disposal, it has also made your life more complicated. Because of all these gadgets to save you time you are not using that time to focus on yourself, you are using that time to get busy with other things. So the busyness is increasing and less and less passive time at your disposal. If humanity’s life style continues as it is, the neo-cortex will begin to reverse in its ability to receive energy and information. This means the pituitary gland will also begin to regress. This means your entire endocrine system will shut down. Now, just think of this, your neo-cortex, your central nervous system and the pituitary gland, if just those three areas of your body shut down, your entire physiology shuts down. There will not be much time to figure out what your gadgets are going to save you time with in order to get more busy! And beloved ones this is why there is so much in this within the modern world related to stress specifically. So either you get "lazy" or you will die. Some of you are dying spiritually already. Now, I say that with humour and with lightness but there is also truth that lies behind it, behind every joke lies part of the truth, I believe!
So, this is the time to re-prioritize your life style like never before, and Lord Saturn is the overseeing body of energy to ensure that you actually do do this. Now, for those of you who do not know Lord Saturn …. good luck! (laughter) Are there any Capricorns in the room? I’m sure you are very familiar with the Saturn energy. So, let us say, Lord Saturn does not suffer fools gladly and believes that everything is a "yes", as long as it is a "yes" that he says is a "yes", and everything is a "no" as long as he says it is a "no" because, of course, he knows what’s best for you! (much laughter) Do not argue that one with him! So beloved ones, what Lord Saturn is doing is bringing to you all the new structures that will best support what you are bringing into your life right now, and all of you have chosen this because you are here today. And for anyone who hears these words in the future or reads these words in the future, this applies to all of you too. So, if anybody cares to leave, best you leave now… if not well, we will chat again in a few months time and see how the systems in your life have changed!
You have however chosen one of the most intriguing, most liberating and most awesome gifts upon this day, because every single one of you participating is now becoming a triple seven beacon of golden light. Every photon inside of you that vibrates through every cell of your body and every photon within your energy field that will be emitting this golden light, is also a frequency of energy which makes up a new magnetic field around you, and this new magnetic field will become a container that will absorb the new frequencies required to ensure that your seven layered Trigometric System of Light is held in place, that your angelic DNA is held in alignment with every other system of DNA that has been activated inside of your body, and that the neo-cortex, central nervous system and pituitary gland remain in balance. This magnetic field will also ensure that you as a conscious being is aware of and alert to those systems that cause imbalance in your life.

Today is the closing of the gateways to the Piscean paradigm. It is the day that you are stepping into the golden age in a completely new way. The reason why I say "new" is because never, ever in earth’s history, in all its cycles, has there been a group of such vast numbers, and I’m speaking of now on a planetary scale, chosen to move into a new system of light such as is taking place today. And perhaps some of you noticed that it is not only the esoteric communities that are taking advantage of the triple seven energy today, there are many other systems and we do believe there is a man who is in a position of power, Al Gore, we believe is name is, also anchoring a very important universal energy today, which is there to bring about the collective consciousness, aligning it with planetary consciousness and every system of life within the planetary consciousness. Therefore, if there ever was a day to celebrate like never before, it is today.
Beloved ones, it is time for us to begin the energy work with all of you and we ask you to just relax your body as all of the new systems of energy are activated. I will guide you through this energy system. I will tell you exactly what is happening. All you need to do is allow it.
Begin by taking a deep breath in and when you exhale relax all the muscles in your body. (pause) Continue taking deep breaths in and with each relaxation relaxing the muscles in your body. (pause) The more you relax, the more receptive you become, the more willing your body is to receive. (pause) Close your eyes if you have not already. Closing the eyes symbolises going within, paying attention to the world that exists inside of you, and benefiting from the energies that come from within in its many forms, its many languages as well. As you continue to breathe in and out, you may begin to feel the temperature increasing slightly. This is the energy that is being drawn into your body feeding every system of consciousness inside of you with new energy. I want you now to invoke the presence of your personal guides and any Master or angel of light who works with you on a regular basis. (pause) Call to your healing angel and we welcome the grand presence of Lord Merlin, we welcome the grand presence of Lord Saturn, we welcome the Divine energies of our Cosmic parents, the Father God and the Mother Goddess. (pause) I ask you to call out to all your Divine aspects that are fully mastered, and extend a light thread to every aspect of you that exists in parallel and alternate worlds so that every part of you receives the blessings of today’s energy.
Your DNA begins to vibrate at a higher frequency and in so doing extending fibres of light that connect to every single person that is genetically linked to you including your ancestors. This energy will extend to every soul who is genetically connected to you, and who is yet to come into physical incarnation. Lord Melchizedek now activates a star tetrahedron made up of 44 levels of golden light. (pause) He draws all these aspects together, your parallel and alternate aspects, your fully mastered aspects and all the genetic connections. And all of this is held within this gargantuan star tetrahedron. The star tetrahedron in itself embodies the systems of energy that ensure that light is filtered into the chakras in a harmonious fashion. It is also a geometric system that has been encoded into the nape of your neck, specifically the first four cervicals in your spine. This ensures that the area known as the ‘seat of your soul’ is kept clear and open to receive the energy from the higher Masters of Light who work with you and who work through you. (pause)
Some of you may now begin to feel the energy beginning to vibrate and some of you might be feeling a little light headed. Do not concern yourselves, just continue to breathe. (pause) Your body is now absorbing energy that it has never, ever experienced in a physical embodiment before. These are energies you are only accustomed to tapping into when you are working in your light body. Just breathe. (pause) The energy around your spine begins to expand. As it expands so your cerebral spinal fluid begins to integrate more and more information, information that is linked to the complete blueprint of the golden age that you’re now stepping into. (pause) As this information is encoded into your cerebral spinal fluid, your brain stem is fed this information through your spinal cord. (pause) Your pituitary gland begins to expand and begins absorbing this light. (pause) As it moves into the pituitary gland, it is fed all the way into the hypothalamus. (pause) This energy vibrates and moves all the way into your neo-cortex and this ribbon like structure soaks up this energy like a sponge soaking up liquid. (pause) Continue breathing. (pause)

Now, the 12 new archangels bring their presence into this space connecting with every single one of you. (pause) The energy increases. (pause) Some of your may feel your temperature now increasing in heat. Just breathe. (pause) If any of you feel your energy is dropping begin visualising the red light of the core of Mother Earth body enveloping you. (pause) Now, in the silence of your mind I ask you to repeat the following words after me:-
"I consciously accept the power and the light of what comes forward upon this day. I consciously open myself to receive the golden frequencies of photon light, and I welcome all the higher aspects of conscious intelligence, spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence, and absorb them into the very core of my being." Continue to breathe in, exhaling fully. (pause)
"I open the seven chakras of my physical body to receive the seven layered Trigometric Systems of Light as created by Lord Merlin." Breathe in deeply as this energy is now pulsated into the seven chakras of your body. (pause)
As this energy comes into your body the Grand Masters of the Great Brotherhood of Light and the Sisterhood of Light gather around this property and begin activating 222 golden ascension spirals. (pause) Each of these ascension spirals will be absorbed into your DNA linked to your 22 Sirian chakras, and will connect the seven layered Trigometric Systems of Light to every functionality on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level within your body system. (pause) As these 222 golden spirals of ascension increase in frequency, each one of you receive an accelerated healing and alignment, and this also initiates the activation of this new sacred site. This is a blessing from the Great White Brotherhood and the Great White Sisterhood of Light making this physical geographic location one of their sacred sanctuaries, where the light they carry will be anchored, where individuals can come to receive communication and reminders of the power that exists within balance. Each of you are light particles within this sacred activation point, each of you absorbing a golden ascension spiral which has been activated within the power centre of your solar plexus. This draws energy from the core of Mother Earth, up into your base chakra, up into your sacral chakra and into your solar plexus. (pause)
This particular sacred site will bring healing vibrations for these three lower chakras ensuring that the conscious systems required to maintain balance are received and understood by all willing souls, souls willing to free themselves of the prison of your busy modern life style, to free yourself from the illusionary free world, and to step fully into your piece of heaven on earth, the golden age of empowerment. Beloved ones, continue breathing deeply and exhaling fully. (pause)
The 12 archangels now move into this group standing amongst each of you and their wings begin to emit a vibration. (pause) Your body is responding to it for it recognises this vibration, the vibration of your own wings unfolding…a sound that you are so familiar with, the sound of the freedom of flight. (pause) As the vibration of their wings create this frequency in the ethers around you, so your angelic DNA begins to unfold like wings unfolding, like a new bud opening to greet the son (pause), and imagine all these angelic chakras that is linked within your DNA, opening, all these wings inside of you activating. (pause) Each angelic chakra embodies a system of information, knowledge and wisdom, and it is delivering to you today your memory of that knowledge, of that information and that wisdom, because in truth beloved ones, all of you have already ascended, in truth there is no journey to attain ascension. You are there already. All that is happening is that you are remembering that you are already an Ascended Master Being of Light. Breathe this knowing into your body. (pause)
For a moment indulge in the fantasy of being an Ascended Master as you perceive an Ascended Master to be. (pause) When you entertain this image, the cellular memory in your body is revived and a recalibration takes place inside of you which brings additional energy to your central nervous system and strengthens it. (pause) And a rush of energy runs into your pituitary gland, and that rush of energy filters into your endocrine system and your entire physiology becomes energised with the knowledge that you are truly an immortal being with the power to choose life in a physical or energetic system. (pause) Now, in your mind as this energy is moving into your body, continue to repeat:-
"I remember my skills as an Ascended Master. I acknowledge I am already a fully enlightened Master Being, and I am remembering this now and will continue to remember every day in every aspect of my life until I am once again fully conscious of who I am, not as a human being but as an interconnected being of knowledge, light, love and wisdom."
Continue repeating in your mind:-
"I remember I am a fully empowered Master Being. I remember my Almighty I Am Presence, for I Am the Almighty I Am Presence."
Breathe this in. (pause) Imagine it stirring to life in your body. (pause) If you cannot feel anything, it doesn’t matter, simply imagine it. Imagine every cell in your body experiencing that illuminating moment. (pause) Imagine every single cell in your body experiencing an individual epiphany of remembrance and each illuminating moment becomes a golden moment, that moment of remembering. (pause)

Now Lord Merlin makes his way to stand right in front of you, so close that you could feel the heat of his energy right against your body, and he expands what you perceive as being the seven chakras of a physical body on his body, and each of those seven chakras connecting with yours. A sacred mergence is taking place and each of these mergences with the chakras begin to create within themselves a Divine Sacred spiral uniting as one, and in this mergence Lord Merlin begins to emit into you the full extent of the power of your seven layered Trigometric System and begins to pump into your chakras the knowledge, the wisdom, the insights and light that lie within your masculine and your feminine self which creates the body of your golden child. Breathe this in exhaling fully. (pause) We notice some of you your energy, your temperature is dropping, this is because your physiology in going into a kind of shock because this is energy you are not used to. Just breathe and everything will be fine, I promise. (pause) Now imagine each of the seven chakras of your body holding what appears like a golden foetus within a golden amniotic sac, and our Divine Cosmic parents connecting to the umbilical cord and it is their consciousness that creates the placenta, and it is their energy that is the food for this foetus.
Beloved ones, from this day forth, you will experience an incredible remembrance, and nine months from this day you will experience the birth of your golden child. In other words, the inner child that steps into being as a whole healed body of consciousness at one with you. During these nine months every aspect of arrested development that has impeded your movement forward will be transmuted through your conscious effort, through your conscious choice and desire to be free of the illusionary free world that you have come to accept as the western way of living. During these nine months you will learn more about yourself than you have in the past ten years. You will reclaim aspects of your power that you have denied for lifetimes, for it is this power that shall disempower every system and every body of consciousness that has ruled the world in the Piscean way. In you reclaiming your power and standing within the true free world, in the world of empowerment, you will all dismantle every system of the false use of power, in other words abuse of power.
Beloved ones, this is the beginning of a new race so to speak, a new race of beings and you are that race. You are now mutating from a system of disempowered humans into a system of empowered beings consciously experiencing a human system of life. What you have welcomed into your life today through receiving Lord Merlin’s Trigometric System of Light will guarantee you the end of the old. You have chosen the direction of your future. This is the time where those who have been sitting on the fence must choose, and for the next nine months this will be the focus. All of humanity will be presented with this opportunity for this is how balance will come into being.
Take another deep breathe in and as you exhale Lord Merlin begins to activate the seven layered Trigometric System of Light in the form of violet flames in all your chakras (pause), and he now places an amethyst crystal ball inside of your crown chakra which immediately becomes illuminated from its core and expands the energy of your crown, and it expands and expands. (pause) This expansion is symbolic of its choice to receive the blessings and intelligence of your cosmos, the cosmos that exists within you and the cosmos that exists outside of you.
The 12 archangels make their way to each of you and begin scribing sacred symbols over your crown chakra. (pause) These sacred symbols are connected to your angelic DNA which creates a system of communication from your inner worlds to the angelic kingdoms as well as the archangelic kingdoms. This is creating a new way of communication from the inside out. However this system of communication is a conscious one and it is through the chakras that you will learn the enormous power that exists within magic, miracles and manifestation, for your angelic DNA, your angelic chakras and the seven layered Trigometric System of Light is your individual portal to the 7th universe, to the emissaries of the 7th universe of which each of you are becoming, where you will experience the vastness of the cosmic quantum consciousness, the universal quantum consciousness and the power that exists within the quantum dimensions that inspire you and direct you within this new way of living as an empowered being of master intelligence. Now breathe that into yourselves. (pause) Every time you breathe it in you are saying yes to it, you are accepting it and as you say yes to this and accept it, the Great White Brotherhood of the Light, the Great White Sisterhood of the Light begin chanting sounds of empowerment, and these sounds of empowerment create vibrations that are absorbed into the pores of your skin and every breath draws it all the way into the very core of your being, and you become a sacred body of golden consciousness. (pause) The more you say yes the easier it is to surrender. Just receive. (pause) The container that you are now begins to become a vessel through which this energy, this information and symbolic frequency is channelled. (pause)
Every single one of you here and now is receiving a raised level of information and a raised level of energy, taking your personal unique channelling ability to a higher level moving all of your connections to your ability to channel out of the paradigm of Piscean awareness and consciousness and into the paradigms of golden light. (pause) All of you are channels and you will find that over the next nine months you discover the power that lies inside of you as this channel. You’ll become consciously aware of your Divine gift and that the time is upon you to use it now like never before. For those of you who have feared the power of your channelling abilities regardless of its nature or how it will be done, you will be held within a golden star tetrahedron where Lord Melchizedek, Lord Merlin and Lord Saturn as well as I Lord Kuthumi, will stand over you for the next 17 days and nights where you will undergo the most advanced and most accelerated clearance of past paradigm shock, trauma and fear related to fully anchoring and empowering yourself as a Divine channel for the cosmic energies, for it is these cosmic energies working through you that will ensure that mass consciousness chooses the golden paradigm of complete and total self empowerment, and empowerment in all its forms. Your time has come beloved ones, your time to shine is now upon you like never before. This means you only have 17 days left to use your excuses and then no more. You are ready for this, I know and I know this because you are here today.
You will experience the removal, the transformation and transmutation of those fear paradigms inside your body. You will experience it physically by what you fear inside of you being reflected as fears in your physical world moving away, doors opening, paradigms literally opening to welcome you into that new way of being. I cannot explain to you how extraordinary and exquisite this time is. All I can do is show you, and the only way I can show you is by you being willing to allow it, to say yes to it and to have full confidence in yourself, to trust you implicitly and to accept and fully embrace that you are One with our Cosmic parents, you are that golden foetus that the Cosmic parents are now nurturing, and in nine months time you are that golden child that shall emerge.
The physical world you are in will undergo that change as well. This is the most important time of preparation for in December 2008, the so called, what I like to call the second wave of ascension, will take place and this is where all of you will take your position as an empowered vessel where every single one of you will be contributing to laying the final phase for what will be the final golden age making itself anchored within a conscious system of evolution. All of you will be channelling, in other words creating, and co-creating what will be life post December 2012, for there is nothing written for that time, there is very little in the form of prophesies for that time simply because you are the prophets, you are the master manifestors of the magic and miracles that will be your life and life in general post 2012, and this life does not have to wait until post 2012 to come into being, it will be now if you say yes to it.

So beloved ones Lord Merlin is now ready to bring you the next level of energy which will expand your crown chakra. Use your imagination to absorb that light into your body and with every filament of light you absorb into your body it is being channelled through you and absorbed by Mother Earth’s body so that every chakra in her body responds to this light. (pause) Take a deep breathe in now and as you exhale the seven layered Trigometric System of Light is now fed into Mother Earth’s body and this is anchored in every chakra of her body all over the planet. (pause) Every breath you take oxygenates the violet flames of the Trigometric System. (pause) Every breath you take oxygenates the flames within Mother Earth’s body so all life is blessed with this gift. (pause) Now your body needs some time to absorb these energies. Lord Merlin will oversee this recalibration as I continue to speak with you. Keep your eyes closed and just focus on oxygenating your body. (pause)
Beloved ones, the balance you will now see is in truth the most important aspect of your conscious focus. Balance in your life style specifically. This is the time when east and west are being fully fused, for the meeting of east and west is where true balance meets and unites. You are being weaned from the habit of relying on gadgets, gadgets that do not free you to balance your life style, that create more time for you to get busy. However, you do have the opportunity to utilise the modern systems of technology to truly give you time for retreat. I have said before that rest time, retreat time is vital. When you retreat you are treating yourself in any way or form that is needed. You repeat the retreat because you need to continue to re-treating yourself. A minimum of two days a month, two full days and two full nights, the ideal would be four for then you are nurturing and supporting the four lower bodies, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Without you taking that time out to retreat, your body will become toxic from stress again and you will fall out of balance and find yourself being spun around, feeling unfocused and ill because the stress depletes the neo-cortex, it depletes the pineal gland and the central nervous system which means your entire physiology is depleted, and then you are unable to function which will result in illness and disease.
Everything in life and around you is changing beloved ones. All the organisations that demanded specific behaviour from you, organisations that have set laws in place that are not in alignment with cosmic, universal and galactic truth will unravel, and it is you who is bringing in those truths by listening to that voice within, listening to all the frequencies of communication taking place that manifests from within, and even though it comes from within it can catch your attention in the external world through symbolism, through sound, through sight, through taste and through smell, so use all your senses.
Marriages and a number of relationships are disintegrating at the speed of light, the reason being that, that was the most distorted institution that was created. The laws do not support the greater good of the individual. Marriage as you know it was based on the Piscean paradigm of control, of limitation and imprisonment. The new way of relating is fully active now and all of humanity is learning about these systems. So many people have been left broken as a result of guilt, as a result of the pain of perceived betrayal, abandonment and trauma. These experiences happened because people are separate from themselves, people have believed there must be another in their life to complete them, to validate their self-esteem, their self-worth and therefore must become their possession, must deny their natural instincts to love more than one and look only to one. This does not mean that you can never be faithful to only one. What is does mean is that the distortions around that has caused severe damage, so that when a human is attracted to love another, yet by human law has been bound to one person, the guilt and the trauma that manifests as a result is what is so destructive. It is within the human power to love every single human being on the planet. It is within your power and you are not just you, there are many aspects of you out there and you are going to be attracted to those aspects and you are going to want to physically unite with some of those aspects at times, however the emotional maturity of humanity is not at the level yet to understand that monogamy is not the only way to live, that is does not mean that they are unworthy of a persons’ love if that person is inspired to love another, and another, and another simultaneously. This is going to be the greatest challenge for humanity right now, to see that love cannot be stifled by a few vows made in front of another mortal man.
Now, I need to elaborate a bit more on this because this is part of the balance system and it is an important question that is within the minds and hearts of millions of people on your planet at this time. When you meet and fall in love with someone you are at a particular period in your evolution. Every five years your entire system undergoes a change especially on a mental and emotional level. Spiritually changes are happening all the time. If the couple do not undergo the mutual rearrangement of their life style, their attitudes, their belief systems and their perceptions to facilitate and accommodate that change, conflict becomes the nature of their relationship and that dynamic causes more and more damage. It was never taken into consideration that souls may choose to complete a contract with one another which may last a few weeks, a few months, a few years, sometimes a life time. That was never considered which is why we say the old paradigm institution of marriage does not support the greater good of the individual, because there have been laws set in place that should you choose to walk away from your commitment, you will burn in hell because you made a commitment to God to love and obey, through thick and thin, through sickness and health, for richer or for poorer even if he beats the crap out of you, yes! Sometimes she does too, we have witnessed that.
Beloved ones, this is the time for you to think and feel for yourself. Does it make sense to make a vow to a person today that you will spend the rest of your life with them when you don’t even know what is going to happen in your life tomorrow? You can make a commitment to that person to remain with them as long as you both choose, that is completely different and this is where balance will be brought into being. The reason why I say this is because individuals will become and are becoming more empowered in their inner sense of power. You are learning that your happiness does not depend on anyone else but you. You are remembering that everything begins and ends with you, therefore whether you have a partner or not should not determine whether you are happy or not. So think about this and this will filter into many other areas of life, for this is one of the greatest steps in understanding why you are in the relationships you are in, not just relationships with a life partner, all relationships. Is it co-dependent? What need is it feeding for both of you? Is it abusive either emotionally, mentally, verbally, physically, energetically? As I said, this is your time to think and feel for yourself. When you go within and get that answer for yourself, you will be able to make the changes that need to be made and it is in this particular arena that Lord Saturn will be guiding you.
So, beloved ones, some of you are not oxygenating in your body properly. We can see the energies are becoming unbalanced. Breathe in deeply exhaling fully. (pause) Now take your attention back to focus on Lord Merlin. (pause) While you are focusing on this, if you are ready and willing set the intention in your heart that every area of your life that is out of balance be revealed to you consciously, under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. (pause) Ask that you be guided, supported and directed consciously with regards to what action needs to be taken to bring balance into all areas of your life, under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. (pause) Ask Lord Saturn to reveal to you the structures that imprison you and to facilitate the removal thereof under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. (pause) Now, inside your heart I want you to repeat 22 times the affirmation "Balance is my choice". (pause)

Call upon the element of fire. (pause) Imagine the flames all around you and these flames burning through the veils of illusion, all the illusions that keep you in any state of imbalance. (pause) I want you now to imagine Lord Saturn coming to stand behind you. You can feel the heat of his energy against your back. (pause) Very gently he places the palm of his right hand over your neck area and the chakra of his right hand opens up and a powerful surge of energy comes through filling your brain, moving up and down your spine. (pause) Your skeletal system is the structure of your body. This energy moves into your anatomy, the structures of your body, the structures that are reflected in your life which impact on your anatomy. Lord Merlin is feeding the functionality of your body, your physiology, so Lord Saturn and Lord Merlin create this powerful body of energy around you supporting your anatomy and your physiology, and your structures and your functionality, which will bring about every change needed now and during the next nine months to ensure that your transition is completed, that all Piscean paradigm residue is transmuted freeing you to be a human being on earth as you are in heaven.
Now, being a human being on earth as you are in heaven does not mean you are to behave in a saintly fashion, for that would be denying you your truth. Being a human being on earth as you are in heaven means following your truth, living spontaneously, honouring what you believe to be true, in other words doing whatever you deem the best in the moment, honouring your life and that of all others. Being a human being on earth as you are in heaven means you will laugh at life, you will embrace all your idiosyncrasies. You will allow yourself to be silly, to be childlike, to be serious if needed, allowing yourself to laugh, to cry, to cry and to laugh and to never sit in judgement of yourself or another, to own your life as your creation, to play with it accordingly, recreating it, adding, subtracting, refurbishing, renovating just like you would a home. By acknowledging your life as your Divine creation you have the power to alter it at any time you choose. When you sit in blame of another contributing to your creation or interfering with your creation, you disempower yourself, you inhibit your ability to change that creation, you inhibit your ability to choose balance.
Take a deep breath in now as Lord Saturn places the palm of his left hand at the base of your spine activating another powerful surge of energy into your base chakra which moves into the earth and up your spine simultaneously, and this now grounds you fully on earth as you are in heaven. (pause) Those of you who fear being on earth, we draw your energy through the energies of Lord Saturn to anchor you, for you cannot create in the physical world if you are not grounded in the physical world. You cannot draw from heaven what you need on earth if you are not grounded to the earth. Your base chakra is your earth element, your earthing element, and in order for you to create the life you desire and you deserve, you need to function in the physical world, you need to be on earth, you need to be here and conscious, you need to participate in life. By doing this you are fully empowered to create absolutely everything you need and never to go a day of deprivation. When you are finding yourself experiencing lack, if you find yourself not experiencing the flow of life be it financial or otherwise, then you are ungrounded. Root yourself back to the earth and command that all that is yours by Divine right come to you for there are equal amounts for every single human being on the planet. There is absolutely no limitation in the world of Spirit.
Now, open you entire system to receive the infinite abundance of Source, for this is the energy of magic, miracles and manifestation. This is the power of the quantum cosmos and it is yours to tap into, it is yours to take from for it is in a continual state of replacement. (pause) Now filter this infinite Source and its abundance systems of absolutely every creation to fill into every area of your life, (pause) and now I Kuthumi, weave a new transmitting energy between your base chakra and your crown chakra, one that shall be superimposed over you connecting to Mother Earth and to the Cosmos. (pause) So it is that upon this day you have received what you have asked for. Every prayer that you emit is heard, every intention you set is acknowledged, every request fulfilled. It is your fear or limitation that prevents you from receiving and hearing therefore by living a balanced physical life, which includes emotional balance, mental balance and spiritual balance. You will receive everything your soul desires and requires to ensure a fulfilling human life, to live your life comfortably, to have all your physical needs and material needs as met, and in that space you will continue to master what you need to on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. You were never meant to be distracted by physical lack or loss, so you can create a comfortable physical environment so that you can focus your attention on mastering what you have chosen to master on emotional, mental and spiritual levels which will automatically become a part of your physical reality. You will now go forth as leaders of the new world assisting those who still do not understand the workings of the new ways. You will guide them, you will teach them. You will do this by doing it for yourself; leading by example.

Lord Merlin and Lord Saturns energies now combine like the spiral of the double helix strand of DNA. (pause) Six of these double helixes now manifest inside of you, three symbolising Lord Merlin’s energy, three symbolising Lord Saturn’s energy and these powers will work together. (pause) While you are standing in this powerful system of energy, we ask you to ask yourself some very important questions, questions that will help you determine which structures in your life are working for you or not, and the very first question is ‘Am I happy?’ (pause) Where ever there is a no, ask yourself ‘what am I unhappy about?’ (pause) What ever it is that you are unhappy about is a structure that no longer serves you, one that is not working for you, and this means because you are conscious of it you are now in a position to take action, to change it and with these systems of energy in place you will be supported to change it. The energy of Lord Saturn is there, committed to you, and his commitment and promise to you is to ensure that you will not fall into the illusion of any excuse that will convince you that you have to stay in the discomfort of a comfort zone that lives in the world of imbalance.
Lord Saturn and Lord Merlin will show you the way out of those systems. You must however be willing to step out of denial, to take action and to believe, to trust that you are stepping into truth, into balance and into that which will nurture your life, a life you will flourish in. These are very simple question you can ask yourself daily which will reveal to you the structures no longer serving you, and if you find yourself having difficulty breaking out of those structures, then ask yourself "What fear is this false structure feeding? What illusionary belief system is this structure keeping in place?" In other words, what are you getting out of it? Many times humans will rather feel pain on a continual basis to remind themselves that they are alive rather than risk the fear of breaking out of the old way, should we say risk loosing that fear because it is what helps them feel alive. That fear has become an identity. So we trust enough that you know beyond any shadow of doubt what area of your life will undergo change, which structures will be dismantled, and knowing in your heart that it is ok for this to happen because you are being taken to a place that nurtures you, a place that reflects your truth, a place that is in fact your free world.
So beloved ones, our Cosmic Parents now begin to shower blessings upon you. These blessings are absorbed into the structure of your body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, absorbed into the magnetic frequency of your energy field. (pause) Lord Saturn and Lord Merlin will remain connected to you in this manner for the next seventeen day and seventeen nights. Our collective energy and the collective body of energy that has been created today with the Archangels, the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood and every other being of light whom you are connected to will hold you for the next nine months ensuring that the golden child is born fully conscious of its master status. Embrace this very empowering time of getting to know yourself better and discovering the truths about life.
It is time now to give thanks for all that you have received. Feel your body becoming fluid and merging with all these energies, and this fluidity flows through every aspect of your life on every single level of its existence as well as your parallel and alternate realities. Everything and everyone connected to you energetically and genetically will undergo very similar changes and this is another way you will bear the light and walk as a leader making way for those to follow.
Give thanks to yourself for choosing this role. (pause) Give thanks for every single opportunity you have had in your life time to recognise your power. Sometimes that has come through the choice that you made to be born into an abusive relationship with your parents. Their abuse has revealed to you what your strength is. Resilience perhaps is one of them. The strength to know what you want regardless of what everyone else is telling you. Their ignorance has given you the gift to seek truth and in so doing you have found it. Every obstacle, every limitation, every pain, every hurt, every betrayal, every trauma has given you the gift to know more about yourself and about life, to recognise your strengths. Think about it, if some of those things did not happen, would you be where you are now? Would you know what you know about yourself now? So instead of wallowing in self pity, instead of crying the "woe is me" tune,drop the little chip on the shoulder and celebrate those abusive parents, rejoice the abusive partners for they gave you the greatest gifts of you life time. They showed you how strong you can be, how strong you are. They helped you tap into your power and your potential. So this is the time to write a new story, the story of the gifts that came from your woeful life, from the sorry state that you have been in for however many years, for that beloved ones becomes your key to freedom, your key to the cosmos because no past experience has any power over you to prevent you from moving forward, and in giving thanks for the gifts you have received, you are free. So take time to write a new story, the story of your life as you choose it to be.
Take another deep breath in. As you exhale just release any tension in your body and now allow the triple 7 energies to fully be integrated into every system of your body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and acknowledge that you are a Divine portal to the cosmic quantum world of magic, miracles and manifestation. (pause) Acknowledge that you are a Divine channel and an Almighty co-creator. (pause) Now, take a minute to bless the Earth just as you have been blessed. (pause) Visualise these blessings reverberating out all around you to bless every human being on the planet just like you have been blessed today and extend these blessings to every living form of life in existence. (pause) Give thanks to every single one of your fellow brothers and sisters who have chosen to walk the path of liberation. (pause) Honour every one you know and don’t know who has chosen to step out of victim consciousness and choose empowerment. (pause) Give thanks to every light worker on the planet who has chosen to stand together making days such as today possible and the extraordinary blessings and gifts that they are. (pause)
And now for some of you this might be a reluctant thank you, but thank yourself for choosing to incarnate as a human being on earth at this time because if you did not beloved ones what was happening today may not have happened. You agreed to work towards this and you honoured that agreement and for that, we thank you which is why we also stand by ever so closely ensuring that you are not ever alone, reminding you how deeply you are loved and that there are always invisible arms carrying you and comforting you. There are many rewards so to speak, for your effort coming your way, the blessings for your "40 years in the desert" so to speak.
Beloved ones, may you wallow in the power of light, may you be blinded to the darkness by the light that comes to you, may you express tears of joy knowing that the light you have chosen is a Divine one and it is one with purpose and always has been, and that it is now time for you to get into the program of your life and live it to its fullest.
Begin drawing your consciousness back into the physical body ensuring that you ground yourself fully into your physical body.
As this is happening we ask you to place the palm of your left hand over your base chakra and the palm of your right hand over your crown chakra and to bless these chakras with whatever you choose and to acknowledge as above so below. Acknowledge that you choose to live your life on earth as it is in heaven, base and crown. (pause) Now move the palm of your left hand to your sacral and the palm of your right hand to your 3rd eye, and bless these chakras acknowledging that you choose to be receptive and to co-create through the inner vision and inspiration that comes from within, and through your inner vision you can trust therefore surrendering to the flow of life. (pause) Move the palm of your left hand to your solar plexus and that of your right hand to your throat blessing these chakras in which ever way you choose, acknowledging that your voice is your power, that you are an empowered powerful being with the right to voice your truth, the right to speak that truth and to be heard, that the power of your voice is one that can heal, one that can set you free and a tool of power that will never be used to harm another or to abuse in any way what so ever. (pause) Finally move both of your hands to your heart chakra blessing this chakra with what ever it is you choose and in so doing acknowledging that you are capable of loving every single human on the planet, every single organism of life in existence. Acknowledge that in fact the entirety of your make up is love and being denied love or being prohibited to love is not the norm, it is your divine nature to respond and to love, it is your divine nature to open and receive love. So it is and so it shall always be.(pause)
Now wrap your arms around yourself and love yourself. As you hold yourself in the presence of love so we hold you, we hold all life. Again we thank you. I am Kuthumi Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet you and bless you in love.