Friday, January 28, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The New Earth Energies : January 2011
The Shift into the New Timeline and the Manifestation of Peace on Earth
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life in the New RealityArchangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, how joyous and wonderful it is that the Earth has completed the transition that began at the time of the Grand Cross alignment in 2010. At that time, you knew that major changes were occuring in your world as the Planet began to realign herself for the final phases of her shift into the Fifth Dimension and the New Timeline. By the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 4th of January, the Earth will be fully aligned with her new trajectory and her new frequency, which will ensure that she will arrive on time in December 2012 for her rendezvous with the Galactic Timegate and her entry into "no time" or the "infinity frequency".
Indeed, Beloved Ones, the shift that has been made in the last months of 2010 was primarily about Time and your Perception of Time in relation to your lives on Planet Earth. The shift into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. The energy at this level vibrates at a higher and more accelerated rate than at the Third Dimension. But, and here we ask for your attention, for there is a paradox here that is important to your experience of the New Reality. In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is experienced as slower time! In the Third Dimension, the new frequency is experienced as faster time and things seem to be moving too fast.
The Earth herself has now shifted fully into the new Fifth-dimensional Timeline, but as an act of Grace, she is allowing the Third-dimensional Timeline to continue and to co-exist with the new timeline up until 2012. The population of Earth thus has time to adjust to the new frequency and timeline. Both will be available as options until mid 2012, when the old Third-dimensional timeline will be collapsed as the Earth begins her journey through the 2012 Timegate into the the "No Time/Infinity Frequency" or the zone of Infinite Consciousness. At this time, all on the Earth will begin preparation for the giant leap of "conscious evolution" into the New Age of Light and Peace.
Beloved Ones, you have been the pioneers for this shift, and now we ask you to become aware of how your perception of time will be crucial to your personal shift in the next eighteen months. You will learn to know when you are in the old time paradigm heading for a dead end, and when you are in the new time paradigm and on the path forward. On the old timeline, you will experience the acceleration of frequency as a feeling of time passing too fast, of being stressed, rushed, and anxious, with too much to do.
On the new Fifth-dimensional timeline you will feel as though everything has slowed down and that there is plenty of time to accomplish what is necessary. You will feel calm and peaceful, and you will know that all is in Divine Order in your life. You will experience a sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be. And, you will have a sense of the possibility of miracles in your life as you move forward on the adventure of life on Earth.
Grounding into the New Timeline
Beloveds, it is important that you ground yourselves into this new Timeline and allow your Light Body and your Physical Body to become accustomed to these new frequencies and vibrations. For, your body will be vibrating energetically at an increased rate, but you will experience life more slowly.
Initially, you may experience some inner confusion, your body may feel unco-ordinated and heavy, you may feel clumsy and out of synch with yourself. You may also experience anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, exhaustion, dizziness and nausea, as your body deals with the new time frequncies. These temporary symptoms are what we would call "motion sickenss" as your body adjusts and recalibrates on the new frequencies.
Know too, Beloveds, that your Physical Body is also in this process of shifting and aligning to pass through the 2012 Timegate into Infinite Time. So, we suggest that you nurture your body with love and care and that you ensure that you live a balanced life. Release any old dramas that remain from the past and enter fully into the energy of Love and Forgiveness. And, on a daily basis, ensure that your Physical and Light Bodies are aligned with Divine Will.
In order to achieve this, we will offer here a daily activation and meditation that will be helpful. This is similar to the last meditation that we offered, but it has been upgraded to adapt to the new energy shifts that you will work with from the Solar Eclipse completion on the 4th of January. Begin by simply focussing your energy into the Heart and breathing deeply. Know that in the Fifth Dimension, your consciousness is anchored in your Heart. Experience that reality as a deep sense of Unconditional Love and Connection to All That Is. Feel also the deep Peace that is part of that Consciousness.
Then, allow that energy to move downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base chakras and down into the Earth Star Chakra, located within the Earth just beneath your feet. Feel how you are now anchoring your energy into the Earth, into the New Crystalline Grids of the Fifth Dimension as they connect with your Earth Star Chakra. Now, let that energy move further down to connect with the Crystal Heart at the center of the Earth. Here you feel the deep and unconditional Shekinah Love of the Earth Mother coming up to you, through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Hold that Love in your Heart, and know that you are deeply Loved and Nurtured by the Earth Mother, and that you are in Alignment with the Divine Will for the Earth, as expressed through the evolution of the Planet into Multi-dimensional Reality.
Now, let the energy move up your body, through the Throat, Brow and Crown chakras, and up into the Soul Star Chakra that is located just above the head. Here, you connect with your Soul and your Higher Self, your I AM presence as it anchors into your Physical Form. Here you can also connect with your Purpose for being here now, and with your Divine Essence. Feel the Unconditional Love and Beauty of your Soul as you align with your Higher Purpose for this lifetime. It feels wonderful and filled with brilliant and radiant light. Now, let that energy move upwards through the Dimensions of Light to the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Here you feel the Infinite Love of the Source for All that Is. Draw that pulsating and radiant light back down into your Heart and hold it there.
Now - you are aligned with Divine Will, for yourself and for the Earth. When you are in this alignment, you will find it a simple matter to be grounded into the Fifth-dimensional Timeline and to experience the energies of Peace, Calm and Abundance. Life will become Simple and Clear as you follow the Divine Guidance that will come to you on this new Timeline of Grace and Love.
Image by Jhadten Jewall at
Manifesting Peace in the New Earth Timeline
Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict. Peace is rather a distinct energy that radiates Unconditional Love and Compassion and Acceptance of All. It is first an inner energy that must be cultivated in the Heart, before it can be experienced in the outer reality.
Beloved Ones, we know that you have worked hard in the last years to heal all those inner conflicts and angers that have prevented you from coming into the experience of inner peace, and now many of you are living in that inner joy and peace and so are able to be anchor points for these energies on the New Earth.
We ask, Beloved Ones, that you continue to work for that beautiful state of inner peace and lightness, that you may share these energies with others. The key to this state of inner Peace is to have your consciousness anchored at the Heart, and to live always in a state of conscious awareness and forgiveness. be ready to forgive and release at all times, and become conscious of when and how you fall out of the state of inner peace. In this conscious state, you will be able to maintain your inner Peace for longer periods, and so to create that energy of Peace and Love around you. This energy will be a seed point for the manifestation of the New Earth and the New Earth Timeline. Each person who achieves this becomes a Master of Light and is able to begin to manifest the New Earth on the New Timeline in their lives right now.
Beloved Ones, by the time that you enter the 2012 Timegate, there will be many of you who will be Masters of Light and Time, and you will be the navigators that will guide Humanity through the Timegate and into the New Reality. It is now that you are asked to begin to work intensely with these skills and abilities, so that you may truly fulfil the purpose for which you came to the Earth at this time.
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life
Beloved Ones, you may indeed ask, what does this mean in terms of my day to day life? And we would answer that in this New Timeline your life will become more "authentic" and filled with the energy and Light of your Soul and your Divine I AM presence.
You will become aware of the flow of your Soul Light in your daily life, and you will hear those directions and suggestions that come from the Higher Sources. You will learn to trust these directions and to flow with the synchronicities and desires and miracles that occur on the flow of the creative partnership between the Higher Self, and the Ego Self as Master of Light. That is what it means to live a "soul-full" life, where each day is filled with the passion and light of the guidance of the Soul and the Higher Self.
When you live in this way. Beloved Ones, then your life becomes and authentic expression of Who You Are on all levels. The Higher Self, and the Ego Self, work together in a wonderful partnership that ensures that you experience peace and joy on all levels of your being as you begin to manifest the New Earth Reality in your own life.
And so, Beloved Family of Light, in this year that lies ahead, you will be learning and experiencing in a wonderful way. The most important date for you in this year will be the 11th of November, when the 11/11/11 Stargate will provide the final recalibrations of the Earth for its journey to the Galactic Plane alignment on the 12/12/12 and the Journey through the Timegate on the 21/12/12.
So, Beloved Ones, we wish you much Joy and Love as your Journey continues in the Year of 2011.
True Prayer
You deepen your spiritual clout by building a track record of good works.....
While it is good to pray, complement your prayer with your own actions in life to serve others, to serve those in need, to yourself become a provider of service, even when it means you do not have power over others. In other words, yourself, be an example, an embodiment of that which is needed in the world. Then you will find that when you summon Spirit energy, you have a great deal of support, you have weight. Your words will have weight because they are backed by your action. But if you are living one way, and praying for a completely different kind of approach to happen by somebody else, then you will have a difficult time summoning energy. In other words, be that which is needed. Combine that with the prayer, and then you will find that you have the package that is needed to actually summon change. Spirit does not respond well to hypocrisy. It cannot because that would rob you of your lessons. So be the solution, and then summon Spirit to assist.
Note from Wynn: In other words, walk your talk.
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Contact (c) Wynn Free
Contact (c) Wynn Free
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Shine Your Light Everywhere
Question: Can our positive intention to send light to bless the planet ever be distorted in such a way that it inadvertently has a negative effect?
No. Light is light; dark is absence of light. Light can never contribute to darkness. Light simply makes the presence of light be. Darkness will always attempt to confuse light, to tempt the light to stop shining, as it were, to become muted.
Bring your hearts to everywhere that love is needed. Bring your gifts to everywhere that life is happening or where life could happen. Bring your candle to every dark street, every park, every ocean, every beach. Bring your candle. There is no fear of your star making there be more darkness in the world.
But if you find yourself giving your efforts to something that is not serving others, that is not serving real need, that is not serving something bigger than itself, then you can find a way to bring your light to something beyond that thing, because your light is not meant to be contained. It is meant to be shone in all directions, in all moments, as stars do.
Shared from the newsletter
Contact (c) Wynn Free
Legendary Invocation
DNA Ascension - Spirit Rap lyrics by Astarius
I invoke, decree, and dream awake the full cellular ascension of my being -
Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual … in this Now.
With the full support of God, Goddess, the ascended Master realm -
To include our ascended Master self, father St. Germain, Sananda,
The Holy Mother Mary, Quan Yin Goddess of mercy, Archangel Michael
and the legions, Ashtar and the entire command, Babaji, Raphael, Gabriel,
clan of the trumpet angels, aboriginal and tribal shaman, goddess’s of fortune,
angels of light, Elohim, clan of the serpents, Shiva, all Christ frequencies,
all animal totems, elementals of fire, air, water and earth,
all divine beings of light, love and ascension - named and un-named,
to activate the cells in my being who are your counterparts with
the unified power of the one.
I decree my highest good always operating in this Now.
I decree grace and mercy always operating in this Now.
I invoke, decree, and dream awake the full truth and reality of ascension in this Now.
I invoke and dream awake with every breath that I breath – the violet fire transmuting my whole being.
I invoke and dream awake the full current of ascension in every cell of my being. I am ascended.
I invoke and dream awake expanded God consciousness – fully realized in me as unlimited abundance fulfilling my every need and desire.
I invoke and dream awake the ending of procrastination, tiredness, blockages, obstacles, and unhealthy belief systems.
I decree immediate abundance in my life.
I invoke and dream awake my liberation from all karmic debt.
I am infinite opulence.
I invoke and dream awake my personal empowerment in every instant that anyone is impacted by my being and creations.
I invoke and dream awake the infinite empowerment of my sexual, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial relationship with life.
I invoke and dream awake sacred sexuality, erotic innocence, and always express the sacredness of sexual force for pleasure, creativity, and healing.
I invoke and dream awake world universal healing from all sexual woundedness and shame.
I invoke and dream awake worldwide release of all manipulating forces, and beings who would control humanity - past, present, and future.
I invoke the angels and ascended Masters to realign and heal all misused energy - to include full restructuring of our DNA.
I invoke and dream awake the transmutation of all negative and judgmental projections.
I invoke and dream awake my constant ability to be centered and balanced in my psychic perceptions and empathic nature. All overwhelming psychic energies are released by me, automatically, easily, effortlessly.
I am empowered by everything.
I invoke and dream awake my lucid dreaming each night I sleep, and total remembering when I awake.
I invoke and dream awake my infinite harmony with God, Goddess, I am.
I invoke and dream awake the full expression of my miraculous healing power. My life is a continuous stream of miracles.
I invoke and dream awake my infinite ability and willingness to receive all life’s blessings.
I invoke and dream awake a constant attitude of gratitude for my whole life, all my accomplishments and blessings - including the same for the universe at large.
I invoke and dream awake the full blessings of God, Goddess, the ascended Masters, angels, guides, and beings of light to bless this earth.
I invoke and dream awake all my decrees, invocations, and prayers I have released to the universe and opened myself to Gods response, support, and love in my highest good.
I invoke and dream awake the release of all past, present, and future lifetimes of decrees and vows - which would bind me to limitation, lack, density, and anything not of ascension in this now.
I invoke and dream awake the full reclaiming of my eternal self as powerful, loving, and fully aligned in abundant God consciousness.
I invoke and dream awake the total dissolving of all manipulating forces which would bind this earth plane in fear.
I invoke and dream awake the influence of the ascended master realm, and angels to intercede and raise the vibrations higher – to bring darkness into the light - raising the frequency of love and God consciousness on planet Earth in this now.
I invoke and dream awake the ascension of planet Earth in this Now.
Find this wonderful being at
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Love Is The Answer
"Best practise anyone can do is to ask themselves in every situation - what would Love do in this moment? Then doing it"
Nothing in this existance is more important than Love. I really mean Nothing.
Love is the beginning and the end. Alpha and the Omega. Yin and Yang.
Love is the answer to every question and the need behind asking them.
Love is Everything. Love is infinite. Love is and always will be.
When you are not acting out Love, you are just deceiving yourself and missing all the fun that comes with it! Unconditional Love is the highest truth. So it comes to a choice between living in the truth or living in an illusion. We gotta remember to Love and practice living in it as much as possible and by that alone we will be free from the illusion that states there isn´t enough Love to go around or that we have to be or do something to receive/earn it.
Know that you are perfect as you are. Know that you are worthy of being Loved the way you trully are and know you are definitely able to gift Love to others at any time :)
Know that you are perfect as you are. Know that you are worthy of being Loved the way you trully are and know you are definitely able to gift Love to others at any time :)
For you are Love, I Am Love, all is LOVE! Period. We have just forgotten it and in reality there is never a lack of it, only a presence of an illusion stating that it´s missing. So when you finally open up your Heart and release your breaks that have been holding you back so long - you will become your truest self and you shall find the Love inside yourself you had been searching so diligently. At that point you don´t need to search it from outside of yourself anymore, but you can be that shining Light of Love to others who are looking for it :)
The moment when everyone (or even most of us) realize that we have the Love inside us and there is no real reason to look for it outside of us anymore - the world will transform completely to a Heaven manifested on earth. A paradise of unimaginable proportions. So it is, so shall it be, so mote it be! <3
The moment when everyone (or even most of us) realize that we have the Love inside us and there is no real reason to look for it outside of us anymore - the world will transform completely to a Heaven manifested on earth. A paradise of unimaginable proportions. So it is, so shall it be, so mote it be! <3
"When you live from your Heart you can´t go wrong and your life will be one of pure magic and bliss!"
- Heart Alchemist
- Heart Alchemist
Sunday, January 16, 2011
2011 Stepping Up & Out
By Lauren C. Gorgo (11.01.2011)
"We would like to congratulate the warrior brigade for your collective emergence into true, authentic beings of light. The year of 2011 is one where those of actualized, authentic spiritual descent will be emerging as the risen leaders of the new paradigm…those who will be followed to the new day." -Pleiadian High Council
Happy New Year!
Can you believe that we made it to 2011? I seriously remember thinking in 2006…"how will we ever get through another year of this"…let alone five more. DOH
For all you path-pavers and pioneers of the new timeline... granted, it's been pretty odd to calculate the journey to now with the increasing compression of time...but somehow, someway, we all made it here together in one collective piece (checks all ten fingers and toes). The last decade+ of consciousness expansion happened so incredibly fast, yet morbidly slow…it seems like yesterday was a lifetime ago, but went by in an instant.
And tho most of the journey to this point was akin to running waist high in mud, if we look back at the contrast of who we were before we naively embarked on our soul travails, its mind-blowing to see, feel and comprehend the rate and result of our personal evolution thus far. (And nothing highlights this contrast like a Christmas visit with family...yikes) On a personal level, its surreal to think that I started writing about this stuff in my twenties…and now I am like 88…in dog years. Feels like we have lived 20 lifetimes in the last ten…weeks.
Tho time is getting increasingly more janky by the hour…and will speed up like 20 fold for the masses this year…things will begin to level out for each of us, individually, as we are personally able to break thru to new ground. Once we snap into place…meaning, align our hearts/minds (merge male/female), the feeling of time rushing past us, or gasping to catch up to ourselves and our lives, will cease to exist…in fact, when we are fully operating from the space of no-time, we will ironically have more control over time than we ever knew possible. More on that below.
What's to come?
Though really there is no such thing as prediction anymore (since we are creating everything from scratch now), I am hearing that 2011 will be a year of rapid transformation for many…a year of physically dividing ourselves from all that no longer serves us as we move more deeply and rapidly into the flow of all good things.
Up until now our transformations have been, for the most part, internal. In 2011, we begin to traverse a new era thru the consciousness of co-creation... the complete alignment of all four bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional & physical) enabling the full descent of our spiritual mastery into form, and resulting in the outward manifestations of our inward transformations. This means that this year it becomes absolutely vital and essential that our thoughts are clear and in alignment with who we really are and what we really want.
Since the eclipses, we are definitely in new (unknown) territory…THE space required to be all we came here to be and to do all we came here to do. But we still have some inner/outer aligning and integrating to do (most likely until the March equinox) before this becomes totally clear to us. That said, we will begin to see big chunks of our new lives come into plain view and land in perfect alignment starting mid-January, if this is not already apparent to you.
That unbelievably powerful eclipse sandwich portal that blasted us out of our past for good created a massive separation between our old identity and our new sense of trueness. You may not even recognize yourself in relation to that person you were even 6 weeks ago and thru relentless self-questioning and re-questioning you may have many more realizations and clarity that are supporting your confidence to be who you truly are now.
The chasm created from the eclipse period was to prepare us to redirect our focus to our new life and roles, which meant embracing more of our true selves and leaving behind some of those things that we either "thought" we would be doing, or at the very least it forced us to take an objective look at what is real and what we really want to bring with us into the new.
Most of us have built a solid portion of our foundation for our new lives, however, in some cases the last 6 weeks may have forced you to tear down and rebuild some parts of it. This may have been jolting, however, it will be well worth the struggle in this brand new reality we are just beginning to figure out.
At 4am this morning, the Pleiadians said to me: "if your life was about to become all that you've ever dreamed of, what would you need to do right now to prepare yourself? This is where your focus needs to be"
Tho I am still processing this colossal question, my feeling is that these preparations...whatever is left in our lives to resolve or set paramount to our successful take-off...that any undone details will inhibit our ability to fly.
In addition to the extensive self-nurturing and receiving that our bodies still need, we are also being urged to apply the masculine energy of structure, discipline and organization in our lives... to tighten up the ship and fully anchor our foundations so that we are ready to freely set sail. This is not the fun stuff, it's hard work, but we need to have it all balanced and in place for our future…even if we can't see all of what's on the other side of this yet.
The good news is that our hearts (feminine) have become so finely tuned and in equal power with our nearly pulverized will (masculine) that it is easier now to determine where we need to put our energy and when, and to take inspired action when prompted. As well, we have become acutely aware of what we absolutely must have in our lives so we can effectively and quickly weed out all that we do not want.
Stepping Up
All of these tireless growing pains…especially the last 3 months...are not without their rewards. Though 2010 was a very sobering year of internal and external realizations and expansion, the most important thing that it provided for us was the ability to strip away any/all pretense and to become, without exception, exactly who we came here to be. This year it will be like we have completely unzipped ourselves from all that we thought we were so we can step up to who we really are.
Yes, this year we will all have our "Tootsie" moments where we will pull off our wigs and expose ourselves to the world in our truest form. This will probably be nothing like we expect, but it will stem from the inability to hide or remain inauthentic in any way. This coming out process has been happening slowly over many years…both in the macro & the micro... but in 2011 it will be more obvious than ever. It has been a never-ending work in progress to feel safe enuf to become more transparent, to allow ourselves to be seen with all our perfect imperfections, and to give our transparency a voice. Now, we literally have no choice left but to be true to ourselves, to engage our full potential, or suffer the contrasting backlash in an instant and brutal way.
The necessity of becoming authentic has been circling us like a school of sharks the last two months...especially as it pertains to our passion, purpose, and potential. We got hit with a MASSIVE wave of energy that served to clear out some last minute goo in preparation for our new year. The lunar to solar eclipse wormhole period served to sandblast any remaining vestiges of our ego-identity so that we could become purer, clearer reflections of our YOUniqueness as we prepare to direct much more of our focus and energy into our new earth creations.
It's time to step up. Our roles are changing to adapt to the new frequencies and tho this meant many grueling weeks of unplugging, upgrading and fine-tuning, it will result in our ability to emerge and remain fully aligned as we step out into the world…to find our most authentic voice and muster up the courage to use it.
Stepping Out
"The moment that each of you decided to put forth your focus into physicality was the moment that you decided to take part in the greatest evolutionary leap in human consciousness." -PHC
In the coming days of this final year of transformation (the 9th and final level of consciousness according to the Mayan Calendar that will commence around February/March of 2011 and conclude on October 28, 2011), and prior to the heralded galactic gateway freeing earth thru the completion of this evolutionary cycle, those who have been prepping themselves to lead the planet and her people to the 5th dimension will be doing so en masse. This means that those who are activated and aligned with the new timeline will be stepping into roles of active service (play)…putting forth our authentic voices and reclaiming our power to lead by example.
This means one thing in particular: time to walk our talk.
"...those who have become the fine-tuned masters of their inner world will be displaying many new gifts and traits now in your outer world. Those fully connected to their inner guidance systems will be strongly urged to come together with others of like mind & vibration to support the teachings of new earth changes for those who are still following any source outside of themselves...for they will begin to awaken to the truth within this year, and will begin seeing new ways of understanding that will be more aligned with the 5th dimensional ways of the heart." -PHC
Many reading this are here to teach in some way but keep in mind that teaching will take many different forms which include: personal action, writing, speaking, creativity, art/film/media, science and even applications of interactive unconditional love (acts of kindness) will be inspirational teachings in action.
"Those of you who have always gravitated toward the arts and creation sciences will be longing to reconnect to your roots…to your inner foundation that has been recovered through your personal ascension process. Those of you who have always gravitated toward the social, public and political sciences will also be drawn to reconnect to your origin plan thru the activation of your specifically encoded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is programmed with your individual source code…the original intention of your soul spark for these momentous times." -PHC
In other words, as of the eclipse sandwich, we are now ready to activate our next-level of service and highest purpose as participants in the new timeline of 5th dimensional creation.
What does this mean?
All kinds of things yet unknown to us as well as those things we have been consciously working toward….things that we will create based on our new clarity and higher level understanding as fully integrated divine/galactic-humans exploring and implementing our new-human capabilities. This year we will be engaging in the gifts and grace of spirit in form as we collectively reroute human consciousness to a higher level of potential and possibility.
In earth terms, this means that we will finally have the energetic means to support our long-held intentions, the capabilities of our fully actualized GOD-self as we bring forth the full essence of our soul's desires in physical form. As we step into greater life roles, we will be spending the year honing our skills at maintaining balance in the fields of unity/oneness.
This balance comes strictly from heart-centering…aligning ourselves with our feeling-based knowing at all times, regardless of the outside world. As we do this, as we are non-wavering in our ability to remain neutral to outside events and turbulent circumstances, so too do we exhibit the example required to lead others to peace, to harmony and to the expanded state of awareness required to ascend beyond the dimensions of polarity.
The Pleiadian High Council brings this to our attention for the purpose of clearer understanding of our roles as way-showers, that we are here to lead others through our centeredness, non-reaction and peaceful understanding of the many shifts and resulting circumstances yet to come. In most cases, we will not be required to do or be anything other than we already are... for we are all that is required already.
New Understanding of Time/Space
Our relationship to time is/has been changing for quite some time but now scientists are beginning to discover that time itself is changeable and therefore, malleable. This discovery will lead to many new advances in technology beginning this year that will revolutionize our world…mostly by way of industry. For the next decade or so, this branch of science will be highly studied and will offer humanity the proof required to move into a new understanding of time and space and how it relates to our personal and collective evolution.
Up until this particular point in time, humans have understood evolution only by way of a linear timetable…that is to say: past, present & future. From this understanding we grew to learn that evolution required the passage of time. The fifth dimension is not spatial, nor is it temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal…so from 5D "upward", time in relation to evolution is no longer required and human beings who have moved beyond karmic (polarity-based) creation will be capable of quantum changes that are vibrational in nature…where energy is proportional in magnitude to frequency.
In a non-polarized 5D matrix/unity timeline we can see the inter-connectivity between all things, so evolution takes place collectively… beyond the confines of the self-defined ego, which is in relationship to itself, and where a group or collective understanding of love, life and goals must be harmonized.
Since the spiritual, or ascension path involves disconnecting from our ego/personality traits, naturally, those with an understanding of this energy/science will consciously move forward into the new day with greater ease, joy and anticipation, while those without this understanding may spiral into confusion and fear thru the perceived threat and loss of personal identity. Again, it will be for way-showers...those who understand, who have actualized their lead the way for humanity. (no pressure : ))
A Word from Our Sponsor
"Welcome to the era of co-creation! This is an era of collectively defined and accepted values toward the greater good…an era of understanding the needs of the whole thru the nourishment and development of each individual. This is the era of creating through the power of intent which is bound by the universal laws of attraction and reciprocity...a time when all things are possible, not by sheer will alone, but by universal and vibrational consent. This is the moment of truth…of stepping so fully into your authentic selves that you fail to see anything beyond what is real and true.
For those of you who will be joining in the shared resources of the 5th dimension, we say to you…welcome home! We have been waiting a long "time" for you!
We are the Pleiadian High Council, and with deep abiding love, we look forward to joining with you on your new crusade to even greater understanding. "
To our next, first steps!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
All Is Loved
I asked them if they would share some words to introduce themselves to the public. Here's what they said.....
Elohim: We greet you precious beings with the love and light of the one infinite creator who sees all, is all, in unity and timelessness as the infinite variations of creation express themselves. All is loved. All is cared for. All is respected. The sum of mankind feel alone, isolated, even betrayed, separated and yet we are here for each and every one of them. And each one of you that reestablishes the connection with us brings more light into the whole.
Each one of you us cared for more than you could possibly imagine. When the veil gets easier, you can see it. Do not be hard on yourself. We are there for you and we want you to be there for yourself, with love for yourself, no matter where you are or what is going on. From where you are is the place that you start and we love you wherever you are. A trip of a thousand miles starts where you are, wherever you are at the start do not despair. You are cared for and loved more than you could ever imagine. The infinite creator is with you. There is no barrier. There isn't a you and the infinite creator. All is one. Take joy and rejoice. The infinite creator is one and you are one with the infinite creator wherever you are.
Shared from the newsletter
Contact (c) Wynn Free
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The New Earth Energies : January 2011
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The Shift into the New Timeline and the Manifestation of Peace on Earth
Indeed, Beloved Ones, the shift that has been made in the last months of 2010 was primarily about Time and your Perception of Time in relation to your lives on Planet Earth. The shift into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. The energy at this level vibrates at a higher and more accelerated rate than at the Third Dimension. But, and here we ask for your attention, for there is a paradox here that is important to your experience of the New Reality. In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is experienced as slower time! In the Third Dimension, the new frequency is experienced as faster time and things seem to be moving too fast.
The Earth herself has now shifted fully into the new Fifth-dimensional Timeline, but as an act of Grace, she is allowing the Third-dimensional Timeline to continue and to co-exist with the new timeline up until 2012. The population of Earth thus has time to adjust to the new frequency and timeline. Both will be available as options until mid 2012, when the old Third-dimensional timeline will be collapsed as the Earth begins her journey through the 2012 Timegate into the the "No Time/Infinity Frequency" or the zone of Infinite Consciousness. At this time, all on the Earth will begin preparation for the giant leap of "conscious evolution" into the New Age of Light and Peace.
Beloved Ones, you have been the pioneers for this shift, and now we ask you to become aware of how your perception of time will be crucial to your personal shift in the next eighteen months. You will learn to know when you are in the old time paradigm heading for a dead end, and when you are in the new time paradigm and on the path forward. On the old timeline, you will experience the acceleration of frequency as a feeling of time passing too fast, of being stressed, rushed, and anxious, with too much to do.
On the new Fifth-dimensional timeline you will feel as though everything has slowed down and that there is plenty of time to accomplish what is necessary. You will feel calm and peaceful, and you will know that all is in Divine Order in your life. You will experience a sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be. And, you will have a sense of the possibility of miracles in your life as you move forward on the adventure of life on Earth.
Initially, you may experience some inner confusion, your body may feel unco-ordinated and heavy, you may feel clumsy and out of synch with yourself. You may also experience anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, exhaustion, dizziness and nausea, as your body deals with the new time frequncies. These temporary symptoms are what we would call "motion sickenss" as your body adjusts and recalibrates on the new frequencies.
Know too, Beloveds, that your Physical Body is also in this process of shifting and aligning to pass through the 2012 Timegate into Infinite Time. So, we suggest that you nurture your body with love and care and that you ensure that you live a balanced life. Release any old dramas that remain from the past and enter fully into the energy of Love and Forgiveness. And, on a daily basis, ensure that your Physical and Light Bodies are aligned with Divine Will.
In order to achieve this, we will offer here a daily activation and meditation that will be helpful. This is similar to the last meditation that we offered, but it has been upgraded to adapt to the new energy shifts that you will work with from the Solar Eclipse completion on the 4th of January. Begin by simply focussing your energy into the Heart and breathing deeply. Know that in the Fifth Dimension, your consciousness is anchored in your Heart. Experience that reality as a deep sense of Unconditional Love and Connection to All That Is. Feel also the deep Peace that is part of that Consciousness.
Then, allow that energy to move downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base chakras and down into the Earth Star Chakra, located within the Earth just beneath your feet. Feel how you are now anchoring your energy into the Earth, into the New Crystalline Grids of the Fifth Dimension as they connect with your Earth Star Chakra. Now, let that energy move further down to connect with the Crystal Heart at the center of the Earth. Here you feel the deep and unconditional Shekinah Love of the Earth Mother coming up to you, through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Hold that Love in your Heart, and know that you are deeply Loved and Nurtured by the Earth Mother, and that you are in Alignment with the Divine Will for the Earth, as expressed through the evolution of the Planet into Multi-dimensional Reality.
Now, let the energy move up your body, through the Throat, Brow and Crown chakras, and up into the Soul Star Chakra that is located just above the head. Here, you connect with your Soul and your Higher Self, your I AM presence as it anchors into your Physical Form. Here you can also connect with your Purpose for being here now, and with your Divine Essence. Feel the Unconditional Love and Beauty of your Soul as you align with your Higher Purpose for this lifetime. It feels wonderful and filled with brilliant and radiant light. Now, let that energy move upwards through the Dimensions of Light to the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Here you feel the Infinite Love of the Source for All that Is. Draw that pulsating and radiant light back down into your Heart and hold it there.
Now - you are aligned with Divine Will, for yourself and for the Earth. When you are in this alignment, you will find it a simple matter to be grounded into the Fifth-dimensional Timeline and to experience the energies of Peace, Calm and Abundance. Life will become Simple and Clear as you follow the Divine Guidance that will come to you on this new Timeline of Grace and Love.
Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict. Peace is rather a distinct energy that radiates Unconditional Love and Compassion and Acceptance of All. It is first an inner energy that must be cultivated in the Heart, before it can be experienced in the outer reality.
Beloved Ones, we know that you have worked hard in the last years to heal all those inner conflicts and angers that have prevented you from coming into the experience of inner peace, and now many of you are living in that inner joy and peace and so are able to be anchor points for these energies on the New Earth.
We ask, Beloved Ones, that you continue to work for that beautiful state of inner peace and lightness, that you may share these energies with others. The key to this state of inner Peace is to have your consciousness anchored at the Heart, and to live always in a state of conscious awareness and forgiveness. be ready to forgive and release at all times, and become conscious of when and how you fall out of the state of inner peace. In this conscious state, you will be able to maintain your inner Peace for longer periods, and so to create that energy of Peace and Love around you. This energy will be a seed point for the manifestation of the New Earth and the New Earth Timeline. Each person who achieves this becomes a Master of Light and is able to begin to manifest the New Earth on the New Timeline in their lives right now.
Beloved Ones, by the time that you enter the 2012 Timegate, there will be many of you who will be Masters of Light and Time, and you will be the navigators that will guide Humanity through the Timegate and into the New Reality. It is now that you are asked to begin to work intensely with these skills and abilities, so that you may truly fulfil the purpose for which you came to the Earth at this time.
You will become aware of the flow of your Soul Light in your daily life, and you will hear those directions and suggestions that come from the Higher Sources. You will learn to trust these directions and to flow with the synchronicities and desires and miracles that occur on the flow of the creative partnership between the Higher Self, and the Ego Self as Master of Light. That is what it means to live a "soul-full" life, where each day is filled with the passion and light of the guidance of the Soul and the Higher Self.
When you live in this way. Beloved Ones, then your life becomes and authentic expression of Who You Are on all levels. The Higher Self, and the Ego Self, work together in a wonderful partnership that ensures that you experience peace and joy on all levels of your being as you begin to manifest the New Earth Reality in your own life.
And so, Beloved Family of Light, in this year that lies ahead, you will be learning and experiencing in a wonderful way. The most important date for you in this year will be the 11th of November, when the 11/11/11 Stargate will provide the final recalibrations of the Earth for its journey to the Galactic Plane alignment on the 12/12/12 and the Journey through the Timegate on the 21/12/12.
So, Beloved Ones, we wish you much Joy and Love as your Journey continues in the Year of 2011.
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The Shift into the New Timeline and the Manifestation of Peace on Earth
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life in the New Reality
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, how joyous and wonderful it is that the Earth has completed the transition that began at the time of the Grand Cross alignment in 2010. At that time, you knew that major changes were occuring in your world as the Planet began to realign herself for the final phases of her shift into the Fifth Dimension and the New Timeline. By the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 4th of January, the Earth will be fully aligned with her new trajectory and her new frequency, which will ensure tat she will arrive on time in December 2012 for her rendezvous with the Galactic Timegate and her entry into "no time" or the "infinity frequency".
Indeed, Beloved Ones, the shift that has been made in the last months of 2010 was primarily about Time and your Perception of Time in relation to your lives on Planet Earth. The shift into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. The energy at this level vibrates at a higher and more accelerated rate than at the Third Dimension. But, and here we ask for your attention, for there is a paradox here that is important to your experience of the New Reality. In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is experienced as slower time! In the Third Dimension, the new frequency is experienced as faster time and things seem to be moving too fast.
The Earth herself has now shifted fully into the new Fifth-dimensional Timeline, but as an act of Grace, she is allowing the Third-dimensional Timeline to continue and to co-exist with the new timeline up until 2012. The population of Earth thus has time to adjust to the new frequency and timeline. Both will be available as options until mid 2012, when the old Third-dimensional timeline will be collapsed as the Earth begins her journey through the 2012 Timegate into the the "No Time/Infinity Frequency" or the zone of Infinite Consciousness. At this time, all on the Earth will begin preparation for the giant leap of "conscious evolution" into the New Age of Light and Peace.
Beloved Ones, you have been the pioneers for this shift, and now we ask you to become aware of how your perception of time will be crucial to your personal shift in the next eighteen months. You will learn to know when you are in the old time paradigm heading for a dead end, and when you are in the new time paradigm and on the path forward. On the old timeline, you will experience the acceleration of frequency as a feeling of time passing too fast, of being stressed, rushed, and anxious, with too much to do.
On the new Fifth-dimensional timeline you will feel as though everything has slowed down and that there is plenty of time to accomplish what is necessary. You will feel calm and peaceful, and you will know that all is in Divine Order in your life. You will experience a sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be. And, you will have a sense of the possibility of miracles in your life as you move forward on the adventure of life on Earth.
Grounding into the New Timeline
Beloveds, it is important that you ground yourselves into this new Timeline and allow your Light Body and your Physical Body to become accustomed to these new frequencies and vibrations. For, your body will be vibrating energetically at an increased rate, but you will experience life more slowly.
Initially, you may experience some inner confusion, your body may feel unco-ordinated and heavy, you may feel clumsy and out of synch with yourself. You may also experience anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, exhaustion, dizziness and nausea, as your body deals with the new time frequncies. These temporary symptoms are what we would call "motion sickenss" as your body adjusts and recalibrates on the new frequencies.
Know too, Beloveds, that your Physical Body is also in this process of shifting and aligning to pass through the 2012 Timegate into Infinite Time. So, we suggest that you nurture your body with love and care and that you ensure that you live a balanced life. Release any old dramas that remain from the past and enter fully into the energy of Love and Forgiveness. And, on a daily basis, ensure that your Physical and Light Bodies are aligned with Divine Will.
In order to achieve this, we will offer here a daily activation and meditation that will be helpful. This is similar to the last meditation that we offered, but it has been upgraded to adapt to the new energy shifts that you will work with from the Solar Eclipse completion on the 4th of January. Begin by simply focussing your energy into the Heart and breathing deeply. Know that in the Fifth Dimension, your consciousness is anchored in your Heart. Experience that reality as a deep sense of Unconditional Love and Connection to All That Is. Feel also the deep Peace that is part of that Consciousness.
Then, allow that energy to move downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base chakras and down into the Earth Star Chakra, located within the Earth just beneath your feet. Feel how you are now anchoring your energy into the Earth, into the New Crystalline Grids of the Fifth Dimension as they connect with your Earth Star Chakra. Now, let that energy move further down to connect with the Crystal Heart at the center of the Earth. Here you feel the deep and unconditional Shekinah Love of the Earth Mother coming up to you, through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Hold that Love in your Heart, and know that you are deeply Loved and Nurtured by the Earth Mother, and that you are in Alignment with the Divine Will for the Earth, as expressed through the evolution of the Planet into Multi-dimensional Reality.
Now, let the energy move up your body, through the Throat, Brow and Crown chakras, and up into the Soul Star Chakra that is located just above the head. Here, you connect with your Soul and your Higher Self, your I AM presence as it anchors into your Physical Form. Here you can also connect with your Purpose for being here now, and with your Divine Essence. Feel the Unconditional Love and Beauty of your Soul as you align with your Higher Purpose for this lifetime. It feels wonderful and filled with brilliant and radiant light. Now, let that energy move upwards through the Dimensions of Light to the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Here you feel the Infinite Love of the Source for All that Is. Draw that pulsating and radiant light back down into your Heart and hold it there.
Now - you are aligned with Divine Will, for yourself and for the Earth. When you are in this alignment, you will find it a simple matter to be grounded into the Fifth-dimensional Timeline and to experience the energies of Peace, Calm and Abundance. Life will become Simple and Clear as you follow the Divine Guidance that will come to you on this new Timeline of Grace and Love.
Manifesting Peace in the New Earth Timeline
Beloved Family of Light, we would now speak to you a little about the energy of Peace that is so important at this time.
Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict. Peace is rather a distinct energy that radiates Unconditional Love and Compassion and Acceptance of All. It is first an inner energy that must be cultivated in the Heart, before it can be experienced in the outer reality.
Beloved Ones, we know that you have worked hard in the last years to heal all those inner conflicts and angers that have prevented you from coming into the experience of inner peace, and now many of you are living in that inner joy and peace and so are able to be anchor points for these energies on the New Earth.
We ask, Beloved Ones, that you continue to work for that beautiful state of inner peace and lightness, that you may share these energies with others. The key to this state of inner Peace is to have your consciousness anchored at the Heart, and to live always in a state of conscious awareness and forgiveness. be ready to forgive and release at all times, and become conscious of when and how you fall out of the state of inner peace. In this conscious state, you will be able to maintain your inner Peace for longer periods, and so to create that energy of Peace and Love around you. This energy will be a seed point for the manifestation of the New Earth and the New Earth Timeline. Each person who achieves this becomes a Master of Light and is able to begin to manifest the New Earth on the New Timeline in their lives right now.
Beloved Ones, by the time that you enter the 2012 Timegate, there will be many of you who will be Masters of Light and Time, and you will be the navigators that will guide Humanity through the Timegate and into the New Reality. It is now that you are asked to begin to work intensely with these skills and abilities, so that you may truly fulfil the purpose for which you came to the Earth at this time.
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life
Beloved Ones, you may indeed ask, what does this mean in terms of my day to day life? And we would answer that in this New Timeline your life will become more "authentic" and filled with the energy and Light of your Soul and your Divine I AM presence.
You will become aware of the flow of your Soul Light in your daily life, and you will hear those directions and suggestions that come from the Higher Sources. You will learn to trust these directions and to flow with the synchronicities and desires and miracles that occur on the flow of the creative partnership between the Higher Self, and the Ego Self as Master of Light. That is what it means to live a "soul-full" life, where each day is filled with the passion and light of the guidance of the Soul and the Higher Self.
When you live in this way. Beloved Ones, then your life becomes and authentic expression of Who You Are on all levels. The Higher Self, and the Ego Self, work together in a wonderful partnership that ensures that you experience peace and joy on all levels of your being as you begin to manifest the New Earth Reality in your own life.
And so, Beloved Family of Light, in this year that lies ahead, you will be learning and experiencing in a wonderful way. The most important date for you in this year will be the 11th of November, when the 11/11/11 Stargate will provide the final recalibrations of the Earth for its journey to the Galactic Plane alignment on the 12/12/12 and the Journey through the Timegate on the 21/12/12.
So, Beloved Ones, we wish you much Joy and Love as your Journey continues in the Year of 2011.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Thread Pulls The Needle
Source Matthew:
Did I make some sort of agreement to be here now?
Well, who else would have made it? And yet, you as your conscious self are so small in the grand scheme that you cannot even really even claim to be a something. And yet, you are. You are everything. And yet, you are something so small and insignificant. And yet, you are everything; especially, to you. So, what begins to occur during that contemplation of those two apparent opposites, both of which are true, is that your concept of self begins to break down. What is you and what is not you, becomes indiscernible from each other. The you, as distinct from the universe, begins to break down as you examine that question. Am I significant or am I insignificant? Am I the creator or am I simply a pawn? Am I subject to creation or am I creation? Both are true; and the reason is because self as a concept is simply a concept. You creating something, you choosing something, requires a concept of you. That concept has whatever rules you attribute to it. If you define yourself as a part of existence that created you; then, yes, you are the creator. You are the chooser. If you define yourself as simply the person: the name and address, the social security number, the face; if that is you, then you did not create you. You simply experience what was put before you by some other force. There are layers to your being which lie beyond concept. They are also you. They are contributing actively to the creation of your life. You are larger than could possibly be conceived of. And you are integrally related to everything else that exists. So in that term, from that perspective you are creation itself. You are creating what is. But that self is so vast it simply can not be conceived of. And so, when a human says, "I", it most likely is not that being, because that being cannot be conceived of. And yet, you are that being. You are creator. And you are simply a human being experiencing a life at the hands of forces far bigger than you. You are both. You are choosing moments and you are subject to moments. Be all the beings you are and then you will know your existences more fully over time. Concepts will no longer serve. Experiences will serve.
We have a message. You are the thread that pulls the needle. That is the message
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A Year of Unity
2011 - A Year of Unity
I Kuthumi greet you in peace, in the glory of God and all that is.

World Monetary System
Realize all you need is within you. It is not outside of you. It never has been. As I have said many times in preparation of this time – simplify your life in all ways. As the fight against corruption in big business intensifies more will cry out for fairness and peace. Many countries and races will unite. People in towns will unite. This is your strength. The strength of extended families. This will lead you forward in victory my friend. Victory over the corruption and the changes of the Earth. It is time to come together, to share your crops and gardens and your knowledge. Help one another as never before. The time of separation is over. All foundations which are not strong will crumble.
Reap What You Have Sown
For it is by your actions alone that decide your future. This will be strongly evident this year. Remember there are two levels, the inner and the outer. The inner, your heart, your relationship with God/Source. Are you at peace within? Do you see the wonder and beauty of creation? Do you respect yourself and therefore others? These are important questions to ask yourself. I urge you to take time, begin now and ask.
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Everything I have taught through my transmissions with this one has been to prepare you for this time. Prepare you for the awakening and the higher steps each must now take to succeed in your process of evolution.
It is a time to focus on a happy future. A time to simplify your life. To release debt, clutter and outdated emotions. Yes, much of your food has a ‘use by’ date does it not? I say to you old emotions of pain and resentment also have a ‘use by’ date. That final date was December 2010!
Use By Date
My friend, when you complete these things you will feel reborn. When you sit and ask the question, are you at peace within? Can you see the beauty of all creation? Is your heart an ‘open’ heart? When you look at yourself honestly and clean out your emotional closet fully you are reborn. Reborn in Light, in freedom. I urge you to meditate with the meditation I have given to this one. It will help you complete this process.
Pivotal Point
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Year of Unity
Earth will also undergo many changes and complete many cycles. There will be Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It will be a year of water, much water. In various places the sea floor will rise considerably. The Earth fluids will be displaced. So I say 2011 is the year of unity for mankind. It is a pivotal year for your entire future.
Master Kuthumi
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Enlightening Your Life
Uriel Heals "Enlightening Your Life"
January 3, 2011 by Jennifer Hoffman
The Dimensions of Living
As we begin a new year we feel like we have so much to do in order to change the world and ourselves. Each new level of awareness we achieve opens our eyes to what is ‘wrong’ around us. But it is our ability to move into a new level of energetic vibration that allows us to become aware of our disconnection, missteps, mistakes and poor choices. Then the past rushes to meet us and we can either acknowledge ourselves as powerful co-creators or feel disempowered by every powerless step we think we have taken. This is how we know in which dimension we are living in and where we go from that moment is our ascension into higher living or our descent into a powerless past.
The third dimension is the home of the ego and a higher dimension is always one step beyond it. Life is not about overcoming, destroying or dismantling the ego as it serves an important purpose. Our challenge is to take the ego into higher dimensions, to transform its limited thinking into an unlimited spiritual partnership with our soul. When we try to destroy the ego we are trying to correct something that is not wrong. Transformation is not about destruction, it is about shifting energies, changing form and creating a new vibration. This process builds on the old by acknowledging its very important role in our life and being willing to always take another step in a new direction.
We always want to be in a different place than the one we are in, especially when that place is so fraught with difficulties. But the place we are at is the one we have chosen, consciously or unconsciously, and it is our starting place for higher dimensional living. We can enjoy life and its blessings from any dimension because higher dimensional living is a spiritual process that is reflected in the physical. We have long believed that being in a higher dimension removes us from the world and it doesn’t, it just gives us a different perspective on the world.
The dimension we choose, whether that is the third, fourth, fifth or beyond, is the one that is right for us. And we go back and forth, so at times we are in the third, then we move into a higher one, then something happens that brings up our fears so we go back into the third to experience and release that fear. Then we can move on again. But with each back and forth movement we release a little more so our stay in a higher dimension is longer and becomes more familiar and comfortable. Eventually we will learn the detachment that is necessary to stay in a higher dimension and as our ego finds its place within our spiritual partnership we find the dimension that makes us happy and we move into powerful, masterful living.
Create Space For Your Intention
Every new year begins with resolutions to be better, smarter, more successful and happier. And this generally lasts for a little while then we step into our old ways and the new year can become a repetition of the previous one. What happened? We set out with good intentions and yet they don’t work. There is a very subtle understanding that will help you create resolutions that you will be able to keep and see the results you want in your life, and it has to do with how you set your intention.
We make new year’s resolutions at the end of the year, when we look at all of the things we didn’t do, the things that didn’t happen or all of the things that did not work out the way we wanted to. Our resolutions then become the focus for fixing our life. But there is nothing to fix because there is nothing wrong. Everything is always perfect and in divine order, in that moment. We can change anything we want to change when we do the one thing that will allow change to happen, which is shifting our thinking. Without that, nothing is ever going to change because it is the energy of our thoughts that creates the reality in which we live.
When we intend for something to happen an energetic vortex is created that begins to move energy towards our intention. This new energy vortex connects with everything that supports and is in alignment with it and clashes with everything that is not. We feel the alignments as supportive, positive events and the clashes as fear and resistance. And if we try to hold on to everything, we are going against the transformative energies of our intention and not allowing them to manifest. Then we feel stuck.
To create powerful, positive and lasting change we must start with the realization that everything in our life is perfect. Then we can allow the energy vortex to expand and as it does, it will attract what resonates with it and push out everything that doesn’t. One thing we can learn is to gracefully release what is trying so hard to leave so we can invite its replacement. This flow of release and receiving is what allows our intentions to manifest. For this new year set your intention for what you wish to have in your life in this moment and be prepared to gracefully let go of whatever needs to leave so you can create space for your intention and allow miracles to unfold in an effortless flow that creates the fulfilling, powerful, joyful life that you dream of and can create, with the right intention.
Uriel’s Message – Do You Lead or Follow?
Every situation and interaction has its specific energetic signature in which you are the leader or the follower. As the leader you set the energy and can manifest outcomes of your choosing. As the follower you are in the energy of the situation and your own energetic vibration shifts to fit that experience. You have no manifesting power because you are at an energy level from the past. This prevents you from manifesting any outcome other than what you have already created. The choice is yours, do you lead or follow?
It appears to be easier to lead and certainly that creates more beneficial and fulfilling outcomes but it is also a new place for you, a new paradigm for your life because as leader you are manifesting different outcomes that will create separation with your soul group. As a leader you often walk alone and cannot connect with others because they are not at your energetic level. But your healing purpose is fulfilled when you lead because this is when you can create closure with karma and bring an end to these ancient energies.
The principle reason you follow is to allow others to experience healing. As a follower you put yourself at others’ energetic levels so you can allow them to grow, or so you think. But when you follow you do not do anything to shift the energy, hoping that others will find ways to change these energies through their healing. But you are the catalyst for change and by following, you limit the possibility of change. As a follower you are surrounded by those who are at similar energies but what you may not know is they are looking to you to lead, which is why they reject you and your offer of healing.
You may walk alone for a time when you lead because you are at a different energetic vibration than others around you and it has been your pattern in the past to follow energy to allow healing. Do not be afraid to set your intention for the energies in your life, be very clear in asking for what you want. You will attract those who can match these vibrations and you will create life partners who share your highest energies and can allow you to express your highest and best self as a leader, an initiator and a co-creator of new paradigms of living for yourself and the world.
The Rest of Your Life
One interesting thing about the adult Indigos and Crystals is the number of things they do with their lives. In my life, I have already had several careers and my life direction has changed dramatically several times. Although I have sometimes wished that I could do one thing forever, I know that I would be bored and lose interest over time. We can’t look at our life path or purpose in terms of ‘the rest of our life’ because our energy constantly changes. What we can do is look at what interests us today and be open to change in the future.
We are the first generation (those of us who are now over 40) that has not enjoyed the benefits of lifetime employment, multi-decade marriages or a lifetime of stability and predictability. Sometimes that is a good thing, other times it can be more than a little scary. Many of the Indigos and Crystals I know feel they are financially unprepared for retirement, are creating new careers and professional opportunities when they are 40 or 50 and are not even thinking about stopping at age 60, 70 or beyond. But we are also unsure of how to progress in those areas because we are the first generation to have virtually unlimited opportunities to choose what we will do with the rest of our lives.
I personally am glad that no one is going to force me to retire at age 65 or 70 and knowing that I can use my gifts in any way I choose is exciting. We can look at our uncertain future with doubt or we can see it for what it is, an opportunity to choose whatever fits us instead of trying to fit ourselves into a professional mold that is wrong for us and doesn’t allow any freedom of expression. We are so talented that we need to use our gifts in the best way possible, and that means choosing a professional path that brings us joy.
What do you want to do with the rest of your life? You may not be able to answer that question and that’s OK because the question you should be asking, the one you can get an answer to is ‘what do I want to do right now?’ because the answer will change over time. So take an inventory of your gifts and set your intention for using them in the best way possible. Then move forward on that path and when you come to a crossroads, take the next path that will bring you the most joy. We have an unlimited number of options available to us when we are willing to express ourselves as the gift to the world that we are and to be willing to share our energy with the world in ways that are important to us.
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